In our recruitment process, it is aimed to select and hire the most suitable candidates who will carry our Company to the future, who have corporate values, and who are most suitable for the job.

During the hiring process, structured competency-based interviews, personality inventories, foreign language tests, role plays, case studies and presentations are used in a systematical and objective approach.


In order to ensure the continuity of the success of our Company, the Human Resources Department has the priority to develop and strengthen the employees and the organization, and to increase the number of employees who are performance-oriented, highly qualified and multi-skilled.

For this purpose, various trainings and development activities in the required fields and subjects begin with the recruitment and continue throughout the career in Betonex.


Orientation programs are conducted to help new employees comprehend the Company rules and policies and to facilitate them to get used to the Company. The first days of the Company are effective in the short run in terms of first impression, strengthening and solidification of the bonds with the Company and feeling close, as well as seeing oneself as a part of the organization whereas in the long run they have a significant impact in terms of loyalty, job motivation and decision to continue working in the Company. In order to contribute to the recruitment of new employees, Betonex has the Department Orientation Specialist (DOS) application. DOS introduces to the new employees how processes flow in the department and accompanies them during their time in the department as well as providing the support they need.


The transformation of the Company's long-term strategies and targets into operations and monitoring of the performance are ensured through the scorecard approach. By the help of the scorecard approach, Company, function and department targets are followed.

With the individual performance management implemented, transforming the department targets into individual targets, evaluation of employees based on accurate and objective criteria, being motivated to produce results and establishment of continuous development culture are provided.

Due to the variability of business outcomes expected from different positions, performance evaluation is made by:

For white-collar employees, according to the achievement of the given business targets and the determined behavioral goals (competencies),
For blue-collar employees, according to established performance criteria and production criteria (such as efficiency, quality results).

Please send your CVs to if you seek a career opportunity at Betonex.